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Wrong Window at DCP Theatre

"A wonderful ensemble", "Laugh-out-loud funny" & "Brilliantly directed"

By: Julian Bonner

(Liz Aber, Rebecca Yenser, Dustin Lee Yenser, Nick Cardillo & Madeline Braun)

Full disclosure - I absolutely adore Alfred Hitchcock movies! I mean, who doesn't - thrilling, witty, clever, constant surprises..... Rear Window is one of my favorites (Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly. - how could it be anything other?)

So, I wasn't quite sure what to expect in this homage/parody.

I was not disappointed!

(Liz Aber, Rebecca Yenser, Dustin Lee Yenser, Nick Cardillo)

First of all, the set construction and design is spectacular - indeed one could correctly say that the set has a role all of it's own. Having appeared on stage at DCP and seen many shows here, it never ceases to surprise me what can be done with the space available. Top marks to the stage crew for orchestrating a ballet of movement between scenes.

(Liz Aber, Rebecca Yenser, & Dan Hornberger)

The script is vibrant, laugh-out-loud funny and helps move the action along at a swift pace.

The premise of the play mirrors the film in that all of the action takes place within two apartments.

As well as multiple Hitchcock references during the play (almost 30 - can you spot them all?), there are insider plays on character names e.g., (Thor Larswald instead of Lars Thorwald and Detective Doyle Thomas instead of Thomas Doyle).

(Liz Aber, Rebecca Yenser, Dustin Lee Yenser, & Nick Cardillo)

Our main protagonists are Marnie and Jeff Elbies (played by the always delightful Liz Aber and a hilarious/hapless Nick Cardillo) who happen to live opposite the constant fighting of the aforementioned Larswald couple, Thor and Lila (played respectively by Joey Meed - possibly delivering the funniest stage "deaths" I have ever seen, and Madeline Braun, whom [spoiler alert] is "abused" horrendously and continually as a corpse throughout the show).

(Liz Aber, & Nick Cardillo)

Friends and neighbors Robbie and Midge (played by the real-life married couple of Dustin Lee and Rebecca Yenser) provide hilarious distraction to both the resident handyman Loomis (played by Dan Hornberger - with some way too revealing eye candy moments for the ladies) and Detective Thomas (played by an exasperated Fred Halperin).

(Nick Cardillo, Liz Aber, Joey Meed, Rebecca Yenser, Dustin Lee Yenser & Fred Halperin)

It's hard to believe that this is Mike Addice's Directorial debut; the sheer choreography required by all would daunt many an experienced Director. Kudos to Mike for not only bringing a wonderful ensemble together who play off each other brilliantly, but to create such a marvelous set and mood-setting lighting. We know how talented he is behind the stage (supporting multiple productions with sound and lighting expertise) - he now adds another extremely accomplished string to his bow!

(Rebecca Yenser)

The play contains minimal swearing but continual adult themes and dialogue, so parental guidance/caution is suggested for potential attendees under18.

(Nick Cardillo, Joey Meed, Rebecca Yenser & Liz Aber)

Wrong Window plays through/including 6 November over 2 weekends with evening performances Thursday - Saturday at 8pm and Sunday matinees at 2pm.

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