If you do fairy tale crimes, you'll have to do the fairy tale time!
By: Carly Covel

pictured left to right : David Williams as HD, Nivia Lima as BB Wolf & Mary Beth Penjuke as Cindy
In the Fairy Tale Criminal Justice System the fairy tale police take their jobs ridiculously seriously. H.D., a hardened and short-fused officer (played by a very convincing and often intimidating David Williams) is on the case! Homes are being mysteriously destroyed across the land. Specifically, two of the homes owned by the Three Little Pigs (Chuck Kane, Izzy Valleley and Taylor Mundondo). H.D., with help of course by his right hand, one-shoed, partner on the scene, Cindy, (played by the hilarious Mary Beth Penjuke) search high and low for the culprit.

pictured left to right : David Williams as HD, & Mary Beth Penjuke as Cindy
They are met with increasingly outlandish encounters with other assorted fairy tale characters on their quest to crack the case! The evidence continues to pile up as the Fairytale District Attorneys, Stiltzin and Merm, (played by dynamic duo Laura Shapella and Tara Dulac), pile on the pressure to solve the case.

pictured left to right : Laura Shapella as Stiltzkin, Tara Dulac as Merm, Chris McBreen as Peep & Nivia Lima as BB Wolf
All evidence seems to point to a Mr. B.B. Wolf* (Landon DeGroote) as fairy tale characters present more and more incriminating evidence against him. Only Peep, Little Bo Peep (Christopher McBreen) that is, can herd the honorable Judge Godmother (Elda Kulp) around to see the truth of the matter!

pictured left to right : David Williams as HD, Mary Beth Penjuke as Cindy, Joshua Reyes as Doc and Chuck Kane as Pig #1
First time DCP Family Theatre director, Dan Wenzel has done a fantastic job crafting this high energy, fast paced, fairy tale parody of the beloved police procedural drama, Law and Order. Audiences are in for a truly magical treat with the physical comedy, nonstop puns and surprise twist ending!
Law and Order Fairy Tale Unit opened last weekend at DCP Theatre and has three more performances Friday September 23rd at 8:00pm, and Saturday September 24th at 1pm and at 4pm. The show runs 90mins with an intermission and is suitable for all audiences.

Lollie Lima as Time & Place
(*The role of BB Wolf was played by Nivia Lima on the September 14th DCP Member Preview night and as such is pictured as BB Wolf above)