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Main Stage

DCP Season Art '23 Now & Then (Poster (Portrait)) (2).png

Show Times

March 17-19
Friday & Saturday
at 8:00 pm

*Sunday at 2:00 pm

March 23-26

Thursday, Friday & Saturday 

at 8:00 pm

Sunday at 2:00 pm


Sometimes what happens after last call just might change your life. One night in 1981, just as Jamie is closing the bar where he works, a desperate last-minute customer offers him and his girlfriend Abby two thousand dollars to sit and have a drink with him. Who wouldn't take it? As the trio swaps stories and Jamie considers the decisions he faces about his musical career and his future with his girlfriend Abby. the young couple begins to realize that this older man is unusually invested in their choices... and the reason he gives them is completely unbelievable. But when a very displeased second stranger arrives, the unbelievable begins to look like it just might be true. Now and Then is a heartfelt romantic comedy about the costs of the choices we make, and the people who make them with us.

Creative Team:

Director - Ray Thompson

Producer - Beth Cohen

Set Designer - Cameron Purdy

Scenic Artist - Colleen Algeo

Lighting and Sound Designer - Mike Addice

Stage Management - Liz Aber and Vince Coughli


Noah Baliles as Jamie

Bill Algeo as Man

Genee Foulkes as Abby

Nancy Server Thompson as Woman

Q & A (1).png

*Join us for the matinee performance of Now and Then on Sunday, March 19th and stay for an exclusive Q&A with Playwright Sean Grennan and Director Ray Thompson.

Space is limited. Reserve your tickets today.

Meet the Cast

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